Thursday, June 08, 2006

Look at how big he's getting!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Simon turns 1!

I created an ad for Simon's first birthday. One of the benefits of my job, I guess. :) Do a search on 'Simon love' and see if you can see it. He will be celebrating one year on June 12, but his party will be on the 10th. Once I get some pictures from his birthday, I'll add them so hopefully you can see him with a face full of cake. For now, I'll add some that his mommy sent me yesterday.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Christmas came a little late this year...

but it was so worth the wait. I finally got to meet Simon and he is amazing. He is so happy and chill. I think it's hilarious that his mom calls him a bad boy, but the child truly never sleeps. I don't know how he does it. I would be (and Heidi is) sort of a wreck with so little sleep.

It was amazing to see him develop even in the two weeks I was there. He is sitting up and desperate to crawl but can't seem to get his chubby thighs under him yet. He went from being able to pick something up with both hands only to picking things up in each hand! My boy is so dexterious. Did I mention how smart he is? He plays peek-a-boo like a pro, gives kisses and can bite like Mike Tyson. You can see for yourself how handsome he is in the photos. I know he won't remember his brief time with his Aunty Heather, but hopefully I will be back for his first birthday so I can remind him.
Already hip at the age of 7 mos

He loves bathtime
Mama love makes me drool, too

Was I lying about those eyelashes!?!?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

5 months old and still growing. I'm so thankful for that, although I know his mommy would be a little more thankful if he started sleeping a wee bit more. Stinker.


Cute tushie photo. Man, is he going to kill me when he gets older or what!??!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

I can't believe he is already 4 months old

Look how big he is getting. I can't believe it! He is so stinkin' cute, even if I am a little biased. I'll finally get to meet him in January.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

More, More, More

Simon will be 3 months old tomorrow. I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. Luckily, Heidi has been seding me a gob of photos and three VERY sweet videos of him so I don't go mad. I can't post them all, but I will show you my favorites... I can't wait for Christmas.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Goof ball